Find cause of pain
We treat not only symptoms, but also cause of pain. It is important to reduce pain that you are having now, but it is more important to find and treat cause of pain. Pain will come back again without treating cause of pain. Cause of pain is occasionally located on different area from pain location.
The body is connected and each body part is interdependent. When some areas of the body have dysfunction such as weakness, tightness or injury, other areas of the body have to overwork to help the dysfunctional body parts. You might not notice the stress at the beginning because it is a little, but the stress will be accumulated over the time and will become excessive stress. The overloaded area starts feeling pain and tends to be injured.
Keep the balance
Therefore, the body needs to maintain optimum balance to stay healthy, minimize pain and prevent injuries. We will find your compensation patterns on your body and correct them to restore normal body function.