3×3 Basketball Women’s World Championship
I moved back to Japan from Chicago at the beginning of June. Then, I worked for 3x3 Basketbal Japanese Women’s National team as an athletic trainer. It was awesome experience to me to work for the national team. I joined the team when t... -
Business Closing
Business is closing. Hello everyone. I hope that everyone has been healthy. I would like to inform that May 19th, 2017 will be the last day for Performance Integration in Chicago. It is because I am moving back to Japan for good at end o... -
骨挫傷って何?:2017年ケビン デュラントが膝を怪我
骨挫傷はとても痛い 骨挫傷とは何でしょう?骨折や靭帯損傷ほど重症に聞こえないかもしれませんが、骨挫傷は結構大きな怪我で、とても痛いです。一般的に骨挫傷とはどういう怪我か見て見ましょう。 骨挫傷の怪我をしたケビンデュラント NBAのゴールデンス... -
Kevin Durant injured the Knee: What is Bone Bruise?
Kevin Durant from NBA Golden State Worriers suffers from knee injury. It happened last night (2017.02.28) vs. Washington. MRI showed that Grade 2 Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) sprain and a tibial bone bruise. He will be out indefinite... -
なぜ栄養が運動にとって重要なのでしょうか?それは体が働くために栄養が細胞内で使われるからです。今回は栄養と運動、特にミトコンドリアについて簡単に説明をします。要点をお話しますので最後まで読んでくださいね。 ところで体には幾つの細胞があるで... -
Why is nutrition important for health and athletic performance?
Photo: http://www.elite-athletic-performance.com Why is nutrition important for health and athletic performance? It is because nutrients are used in cells for our body function. Each cell has several kinds of... -
Photo: nydnrehab.com 今回は外で走るのとトレッドミルで走るとの違いについて解説します。 10月になり、シカゴは寒くなり始めました。冬がすぐに来るシカゴではもう少しでランニングのシーズンも終わりです。シカゴには-30Cでも外で走るようなハード... -
Difference between running on real ground vs treadmill
Photo: nydnrehab.com It is October and is getting cold in Chicago. A running season is getting close to the end in Chicago. Even though hard core runners may run outside even below -20F, many people run on a treadmill during winter. Whe... -
健康的な生活を送るために、何をどれくらい食べたらいいのか考えるのは重要です。特にアスリートにとって食事は回復やパフォーマンスにとって大きな影響を与えます。それぞれの食事の際にカロリーを計算することが勧められていますが簡単ではありませんね... -
Easy 4 Step Guideline for Portion Size on Each Meal
It is important to pay attention how much and what kind of food you eat to have healthy life style. Counting calories on each meal is generally recommended; however, counting calories on each meal is not very easy. You have to use...